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Is booming demand for AI stocks creating a bubble in the tech sector?

Stocks / Canada / International / Trading Ideas / News / Big Picture

The rise of artificial intelligence has led to a boom in stocks related to data centres and chipmakers. Juliana Faircloth, VP for Portfolio Research with TD Asset Management, and Evan Chen, Associate for Portfolio Research at TD Asset Management, make the bull and bear case on whether this surge in demand is creating a market bubble in the tech sector....

Juliana Faircloth & Evan Chen

Greg Bonnell speaks with Juliana Faircloth, Vice President, Portfolio Research, TD Asset Management and Evan Chen, Associate, Portfolio Research, TD Asset Management about their outlook for industrial and software stocks...

How to take your TFSA to the next level

Are you holding too much cash in your TFSA? Natasha Kovacs, Senior Financial Planner with TD Wealth says investing within this tax-free account can benefit your savings strategy....