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Passing on the cottage part one: One big family asset

Family / House

If you own property in cottage country, you already know spending summers by a tranquil lake is the stuff Canadian dreams are made of. Thanks to a booming real estate market, your cottage may also be one of your family's biggest assets. And yet passing it to the next generation could prove more complicated than you might think. Chris Gandhu, High Net Worth Planner with TD Wealth, joins Kim Parlee for a three-part series on cottage succession. In part one:...

Ask MoneyTalk: What happens to my Will after I die?


It can be far more complicated for your executor than you imagined. Treva Newton, a Tax and Estate Planner with TD Wealth, talks about how a Will is executed and what you can do to ensure your intentions are fulfilled....

Ask MoneyTalk: How can I protect myself when lending money to my kids?


Many parents lend their children money for their first homes. But they may actually cause harm to their own financial picture if they fail to plan the loan carefully. Nicole Ewing, Director, Tax and Estate Planning, TD Wealth talks about how to protect yourself and avoid family rifts....